Hope Works
EFE can’t change the world, but it can change someone’s life.
Equipped with the right skills and opportunities, these young people are the drivers of change within their families and communities.
Our Success Stories
Today, I am fulfilled at work and I believe to be at the dawn of a great career.
I now have a sustainable job and an income from which my family is benefiting
Aujourd’hui, je suis épanouie dans mon travail et j’espère être à l’aube d’une grande carrière
J'ai maintenant un travail stable et un revenu dont ma famille bénéficie.
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Education For Employment-Maroc, known as EFE-Maroc, is an association under Moroccan law and an affiliate of the Education For Employment (EFE) Network. Our mission is to address youth unemployment by bridging the gap between labor market needs and the existing hard and soft skills of young job seekers.
Education For Employment-Maroc, known as EFE-Maroc, is an association under Moroccan law and an affiliate of the Education For Employment (EFE) Network. Our mission is to address youth unemployment by bridging the gap between labor market needs and the existing hard and soft skills of young job seekers.